A Message from the Artist & Resume

Artist’s message
Currently I primarily make sculptures out in the environment and in my studio from natural materials, usually those I have gathered myself. The works generally are either fairy houses or land art sculptures. I also employ digital photography to record my work and explore other methods of artistic expression. I have found great challenges and joy in creating both ephemeral and permanent sculptures, especially the Fairy houses.
The process of creating environmental art is mysterious. Sometimes it begins with an idea, or an inner prompting to work with a particular location or material. Always what is required is a deep sensitivity to the rhythms of the landscape, the seasonal shifts or the path of the sun (or moon) across the sky. One enters the field of creativity the same way one enters a secret glade in the forest; quietly and with reverence. Keeping the lines of communication open between myself and whatever natural forces may be present in the moment allows me to see more deeply and to (hopefully) create something that arises out of this mystery.
For me, the essence of what I am doing as an artist is to inspire the Human heart back into connection with the natural world thru the doorway of wonder, whimsy or magic. It is our disconnection from the Earth that has brought untold suffering to ourselves and to millions of other beings with whom we share this magnificent jewel of a planet. We must reconnect with the Earth if we are to survive. It is not an option, it is imperative. We must LOVE the earth and Nature once again. When we love something, we treat it with kindness and respect. What goes around, comes around.
If just a single piece of my work can inspire the viewer to make that connection of love with this earth then it will have served its purpose.