All payments on this site are processed using PayPal. This means you can pay for your items using any credit card honored by PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account yourself.
And because PayPal supports Multiple Currencies, there is a very good chance you can pay in your desired currency.
All payment transactions are highly encrypted and very secure. Because PayPal handles all the credit card processing, your credit card details are never seen, recorded, or saved by the website.
Paying by PayPal is a very easy process, too.
When you are ready to make your purchase, you will be temporarily transferred to the SallyJSmithArt-GreenspiritArts account on the super-secure PayPal site.
There you can choose one of two methods of payment:
- Use your credit card directly. No PayPal account is required
- Or choose your existing PayPal account and Paypal will take it from there.
Once your transaction is completed, you are immediately returned to the site where you are presented with a printable invoice.
You will also receive email confirmation of your purchase from both my website and PayPal.
Please note: US customers: Paypal will automatically determine your sales tax (if your location has one) and it will be applied to your cart at checkout.
There are several products on the website which use my licensed artwork but are not sold by this website yet links have been provided to suppliers. If you follow a link from this site to one of these offers, or purchase a product which uses my artwork in another retail shop out in the world, we will not be processing your order, they will.
Companies like Amazon and Lulu are very secure. The links to products which use my images are provided as a courtesy for my fans and visitors.
If you have an issue with your order placed with one of these suppliers, we are sorry but you will have to contact those companies for their support in resolving any payment issues that might arise.
It may seem silly to have to state this but you’d be surprised how often customers come to me concerning items they purchased elsewhere hoping to get refund or other service needs resolved.