Media, Interviews & Video links
When you do anything noteworthy in this internet age, eventually people want you to talk about your specialty and put those interviews and reviews online. I’ve been very fortunate to have some wonderful publicity regarding my work over the years. I can’t put them all here as the page would become a very long boring list of links. However, because some people like doing this kind of research, I’ve collected some of the best bits and have placed them all here just in case someone wants to read/see them.
A small request: if you find that one of these links no longer works, please let me know. I’ll remove it from this page. No one likes broken links. Thank you!
PBS Video from Mountain Lakes PBS
about myself as an artist: https://video.mountainlake.org/video/roadside-adventures-sally-smith-fairy-queen/
about the Fairy House builder’s book: https://youtu.be/mj5b6Us9f5w
Articles written about my Faerie House work:
NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/02/garden/leave-your-wings-at-the-door.html?_r=0
NY Times summer reading list: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/29/books/review/outdoors-this-land-jack-spencer-and-more.html?_r=1&mtrref=undefined
Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/fairy-houses-as-environmental-art_2245209.html
Better Homes and Gardens: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/container/plans-ideas/12-fabulous-fairy-gardens-minus-the-creepy-fairy-figurines-281474979547639/
Watertown daily Times: http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/unknown/artist-builds-a-foundation-in-adirondacks-creating-fairy-houses-20170408
Articles about my Environmental Sculptures:
My Modern Met: https://mymodernmet.com/sally-j-smith-land-art/
Articles about both:
StoneArtBlog: http://stoneartblog.blogspot.com/2013/03/miniature-stoneworks-giants-amongst.html
Artsy Shark: https://www.artsyshark.com/2013/04/21/featured-artist-sally-smith/
Riding with the Top Down: https://ridingwiththetopdown.blogspot.com/2009/07/guest-sally-j-smith.html