A Birch bark fairy house with bright green and purple felted wool conical roof

Gearing up!

( Apologies to all who were reading this saga and whom I left hanging.... It was not my intention to have such a long "Dramatic…

A collection of resin sculptures all made illegally using Sally J Smith designs

Discoveries and that sinking feeling

For the next several days I was glued to my computer researching every way I could think of to find images of resin sculpture fairy…

A dark and brooding sky with clouds sweeping over a mountain top taken from artist Sally J Smith's studio.

5 Years ago today a saga began

Dear Readers, I have been wanting to share this story with you for a long time but I needed to wait some years until it…

Navigating turbulence

Greetings Everyone, It has been too long since my last post. I had promised myself I was going to do better about staying in touch…

Out of the deep silence, one voice returning

Welcome back to the conversation. Yes, there has been a very... long... pause. Much of the world has changed since I last posted. As with…

Triple Blessings this day to you

It was with great surprise that I opened my computer this afternoon to finish writing this blog post and saw the Celtic art doodle on…

Circling Circles

(Apologies in advance- this post was written earlier and did not get published immediately. Life got busy and the eclipse is long passed.) As I…

A very small and perfect toad in the palm of a human hand.

Tiny matters

It has been a strange summer so far. For us, it is now official; July 2018 has been the hottest month on record according to…

A beautiful, fragrant orange and yellow lily blossom.

The Attitude of Gratitude

I've been working a lot at my computer lately....too much actually, as I try to learn and understand how to be a better content contributor…