Help the Honeybees of hurricane-ravaged Florida

  Dear Friends, I'm using my blog for a very special purpose today. An organization that I belong to has a new campaign that has…

Navigating turbulence

Greetings Everyone, It has been too long since my last post. I had promised myself I was going to do better about staying in touch…

The silence of winter is breaking into birdsong and rushing rivers

As so many of you, I have been challenged with how to keep up with the rapidly unfolding stories of our times. These days it…

A time for prayer and action

Like many sensitive souls around the world, I am feeling overwhelmed with the suffering and turbulence that is our lived experience at this time. To…

Circling Circles

(Apologies in advance- this post was written earlier and did not get published immediately. Life got busy and the eclipse is long passed.) As I…

A very small and perfect toad in the palm of a human hand.

Tiny matters

It has been a strange summer so far. For us, it is now official; July 2018 has been the hottest month on record according to…