Welcome back to the conversation. Yes, there has been a very… long… pause.
Much of the world has changed since I last posted. As with so many other fellow sensitive beings, this past year has been so full of change (much of it traumatic) that I found it exceedingly hard to know what to say anymore. Often, when I would try to write, no words would form. Only the heaviness of the moment, and the sensation of there being too much noise anyway, so why bother? What could my voice possibly add that would be beneficial? I saw little purpose to speaking, so I remained mostly in the Silence. In The Deep. Listening. Observing. Working.
This painting (which was created years ago in a time of stressful personal transformation) wishes to be the gateway image to bring us together once more. I know that I will be posting the usual content here soon…telling you about the latest projects and releases etc….but I felt uneasy about launching back into our conversation with commerce steering my first words. It felt wrong.
So first I must make an offering, a prayer, an acknowledgement of The Great Mystery that binds us all together and is (hopefully) guiding all our journeying. This is why this image is placed at the top of the page as I return to this place of sharing… before any words are written, to be just that: an offering and a prayer.
The image shows that there are many paths emanating from and returning to The Center. There is a path of stars, the primordial fire that is at the core of our being just as the sun is at the center of our solar system. There is a path of stones, representing the material way… working with the body and all forms that are solid and tangible. There is a path of water…the ripples we leave in the hearts of one another. And there is a path of whirling air, the realm of ideas and inspirations which float and weave and connect us, like a silver umbilical cord to the Heart of The Great Mystery. Below is Gaia, our Mother Earth, suspended in the vastness of reflected light. Above is Raven, cosmic messenger of the spirit realm, bringing us the teachings we need to evolve and grow. Connecting all the realms is the double helix rainbow path representing the entire spectrum of created life as we know it, traveling in an eternal circular path of past-present-future. At the center is The Cosmic Egg… the vastness of the Quantum realm which is pure potential, aflame with an aura of the fires of manifestation for it is from the place of Infinite potential, that all things are possible.
This dear Friends, is my gift and my prayer for you and for us all. That an intuitive and natural part of our being can call to us, and remind us that we are all part of a greater whole. To honor and respect that we each have our own path to walk. And to help each other along the way for we are all of us Starlight and Earth mixed together.
Now that this homage of respect has been paid, I will say that there is much updating to bestow and many stories to share from this quiet part of the forest. I’ll be sharing more soon, but wanted first to set the right tone for my re-entry. I am grateful that you are still here and I look forward to sharing what I’ve been working on during this time of transition and transformation.
Blessed Be,
Sally. Welcome back. All will be well.
“ Life is Good “. Giant hugs 🤗.
Thank you Charlie….a big hug back to you too!
Beautiful reentry. Thank you for the gift of stillness and spaciousness it presented me with today. Looking forward to hearing what you’ve been up to!
Thank you Susan! There has been a lot going on in the background here. A big new book has been the main focus but there are other releases coming soon too. Thank you for your kind words.
Thanks for sharing.
Love, charlie
Thank you Charlie! So good to hear from you. Be well, stay safe and happy! <3