I have been wanting to write and publish this post for more than a year. I have written many drafts but never felt quite right about what I was trying to say or how to strike the best tone.
This human world is filled with noise, and getting louder. The internet used to be a place of bright and shiny dreams, inspirational blogs and content. It was going to save humanity and the earth too while it was at it. That dream feels positively antiquated these days.
Everyone who is trying to build or maintain an art-based business is told you MUST develop your fan base, your tribe, your peeps. And to do that you should use all the tools of the modern era: multiple platforms of social media, a gorgeous website, a frequent blog with fabulous content, a youtube channel and on and on and on. More and more and more noise to add to your (and my) experience of life. I struggle with this. Not because I don’t have anything to say… I do. But because as I have become more and more sensitive to the frequency of life in this gorgeous place I am blessed to live, the more I realize the increasing value of quietude. And the less I want to risk the chance of burdening you with even more content in your already full day.
And yet, like most of us, I gain value from hearing and reading the contributions of others who inspire me: to be a better person. To live a more conscious and connect life. To attempt to understand the complexities of the human and natural worlds and to try and reduce the impact of the former upon the latter. What could I possibly contribute that ADDS to that stream?
So mostly I have kept my blogging to a minimum. To the bare bones of commerce and announcements in an attempt to keep reaching out so that you will know that I have not forgotten you… and I most certainly have not! It’s just that I am acutely aware that YOUR time is very precious. Now more than ever I wish only to add value to your time, rather than waste it.
This is why I tend to remain less vocal. Doing my work quietly, with as much integrity and passion as I can muster. But I never forget that there are people out there who also are deep souls who are possibly also finding it difficult to remain positive and engaged when there is so much that seems to be coming unhinged if the media is to be (skeptically) believed.
It is my hope that even if we are not speaking loudly and beating our own drums and blaring our own trumpets, that what we contribute towards the Light in this world is real and of consequence. So my message this day is to be of courage. Let the quiet powers of gratitude and tranquility fill you up from the inside as it will, if sought. Quietude is an inner practice as well as an external experience. Let us learn from Nature how to be reflective to gain tranquility and equilibrium.
May your day and your week have moments of real peace to nourish your soul and may you relish them when you create them or when they surprise you, unbidden.
Hello Sally!
I am a HUGE fan of your art! I abSOULutely (play on spelling) believe in quiet contemplation and observation to be more in the flow of nature and life. To be comfortable in solitude and reverence for life is a requirement for deep, soul fulfilling expression in my opinion. This noisy human world is trying to distract from peace….not sure why…many times a topic of conversation in my home! What I know is this….when I look at your fairy homes…..I smile. A happy, contented smile! In a human world that says “you gotta do X to be successful”… you don’t. None of us HAS to do anything. It’s all choice isn’t it! I choose beauty. I choose love. I choose peace. Thanks for the post. I totally get it! Blessings to you and the wee fairy folk!
Thank you Lynn so very much for your cheerful comment. And your spelling play…that was so sweet. Bright Blessings on you and yours <3